Why Choose Us?

We differentiate ourselves by offering a wide range of deployable skills and workforce teams. We are led by a management team with experience recruiting and mobilising Filipinos to all global regions and managing, and managing international projects and workforces in developed, emerging and challenging frontier markets.

We can draw on the support of CF Sharp Group, one of the most successful Philippines recruitment businesses that includes Britannia Healthcare in the UK.

We have more than 75 years experience delivering services including recruiting manpower for overseas clients.  CF Sharp has consistently managed the recruitment, administration and payroll for thousands of skilled workers every year.  The company currently has more than 10,000 workers deployed on contract, it manages more than 1,500 international deployments per month and 18,000 per year.

This combined knowledge and understanding of our clients’ businesses and markets supported by our range of services guarantees value for our clients.

What makes Filipinos stand out?

There is an abundant supply of well trained manpower in the Philippines which has one of the largest economies dependent on ‘overseas foreign workers’. The Philippines ethos, culture and demeanour are well suited to supporting overseas companies often in remote locations. Filipinos are courteous, disciplined and motivated to work hard. Moreover, English is the first language which accelerates the integration and effectiveness of new staff.

Why Choose Filipino nurses and healthcare staff?

We believe that Filipino nurses are the best qualified nurses and all Filipino healthcare staff are the most suited to international roles because English is their first language.
Filipino nurses are educated to Bachelors degree standard, completing one of the most well regarded, relevant academic and practical training programmes.
We are able to select the best applicants in the Philippines and we are focussed on delivering a better quality service with more positive outcomes for our clients.
Our global nursing network means that we are also able to extend our recruitment reach to all areas where Filipino are currently employed within the bounds of the WHO ethical codes of practise for international recruitment of health personnel.